The IIL production structure is heavily dominated by IV Fluids. The Company pioneered the local production of a narcotic analgesic called Pethidine. The Company is currently the sole producer of this drug within the sub-region. Pethidine is part of the small volume injectables product range, which also includes Chloroquine Phosphate and Quinine Dihydrochloride injections. Quinine is a relatively new addition to the company’s product line. It was initially targeted for the export market, but has caught on well with the local market. Chloroquine Phosphate has, as of January 2007, been discontinued on the advice of Ministry of Health.
Infusions Therapy Operations
Intravenous Infusion Therapy commonly called IV refers to the administration of fluids, drugs or blood directly into the circulatory system through a vein. When whole blood is administered, the technique is called Transfusion. When sterile fluids (Blood volume expanders) are administered, the technique is called Infusion. Intravenous infusions are used for three major reasons:
1. To add fluid volume to the circulatory system when there is an imbalance or depletion of normal body fluids as in blood loss or burns;
2. To establish and maintain life support for an accident victim whose condition is unstable; and
3. To provide an access for the administration of medications.
Fluid And Electrolyte Therapy
The importance of fluids and electrolytes in the body cannot be over-emphasised. Water, forming about 60% of the total body weight of adult males and 50% of adult females, play very important functions in the body. As a solvent, it provies the medium for dissolution of nutrients and other subsyances in the body. Electrolytes are also involved in the functioning of most systems in the body. Water and electrolytes may be lost in disease conditions e.g. vomiting, diarrhoea etc.
The role of fluid and electrolyte therapy in the health care system is therefore very important. A thorough understanding of this all-important subject is necessary if patients are to receive the best care rom their physicians. It is in recognition of this that Intravenous Infusions Ltd has developed this manuel to serve as a guide to practitioners prescribing intravenous infusions.
It is hoped that this will help improve upon the standard of management of patients receiving fluid and electrolyte therapy in our hospitals and clinics.